I sneeze in your soup

Feb 03, 2006 14:53

You will go to jail for:Getting into a fight with a homeless person

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Dear Cupid,

This year, I've had my ups and downs in the love department.

Solarscape and I bought a two seated bicycle so that we could have romantic rides.
Maticuspraticus and I went on a love tunnel ride but they jumped off half way through.
Silentyell licked my eyeball on a bet.
So, as you can see, it's been a hectic year. Can you please make Kawakaze fall in love with me this Valentine's day?

eclecticstarTake this Quiz at QuizGalaxy.com( or, take the 'adult' version at QuizUniverse.com )

This is amusing.....Sorry i dont feel like writing anything of substance....not feeling so well. And for teh record i dont hurt homeless people.
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