May 13, 2006 01:17
Hey all,
I realized that my latest entry really doesn’t reflect my life anymore, so I thought maybe I should change that. I still miss the folks that I don't see a lot, but I'm less mopey-miserable in general nowadays. I'm working with the local theater on creating a performance that's loosely based around the concept of Ben Franklin. We've been having 40 hour a week rehearsals and they've been a lot of fun. The group is really tight, the production is really tight, and we're performing it again on Saturday on a stage that's shaped like a star and has audience on all sides! I wrote my monologue and it’s really spiffy. It’s about an old lady and kites and art and runaways and emotional baggage --and I wrote it! And I’m performing it at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia! It’s exciting!
I love working in ensembles. I love how we become so close as a group and how we work in the process of creating something like this. How we all become close friends with people who we never would have met before, and how we make a piece of theater-art. It’s amazingly wonderful. We rehearsed in Philly today and there was a prom going on in the other part of the building. The music was really loud and distracting when we were on stage trying to focus, but we had our own little dance party backstage and it was brilliant. This part of my life has been beautiful.
I think I’ve decided I’m taking the SATs -I’m being completely hypocritical, but I need the scholarship money. So I’ve been working through SAT prep books and it’s HORRIBLE (just so stupid, like who actually uses this stuff for anything after the SATs?!). And I can rant on and on about it, but the point is, I don’t want to be wasting my time with them -but I am, and that’s frustrating. This part of my life has been yucky.
I got a full work-trade to NBTSC, so unless my parents change their mood about it (it conflicts with the fall college semester which presents a minor problem) I’ll probably get to go! I’m not quite letting myself believe it yet, because my parents are still being a bit gray about it (completely un-enthused, but not quite saying no), but I’m hoping!
I’m officially finished at Delco for the semester! Whoop whoop! Finals are done, I’ve got strait A’s and now I can forget about the place! That’s a good thing.
I function properly on 9 hours of sleep, right, and I’ve been working on 6.5 for the past month or something. I actually figured out that in the past two weeks I have lost the equivalent of four entire (9 hour) nights of sleep. Four entire nights of sleep, gone! Poof, out the window, never to be seen again! Four entire nights of sleep that I needed and didn’t get, plus tons of stress and not having the time to actually eat a proper meal for the past, um, three weeks (I realized the other day that I’d eaten nothing but fruit for about a week. Not good). And my parents and I have been slightly more argumentative than usual. I’ve been a bit of a mess, basically, in this part of my life.
So once again I notice that my life is about extremes. Some aspects are amazing, others are less so, and I’m like a yo-yo stuck zigzaging back and forth. Blam blam blam. Back and forth, up and down, highs and lows. Is this how it’s always going to be?