Apr 27, 2012 23:23
Fun facts.
There are 813,553 Michelles in the US that are natural born citizens, and a total of 1.3 million in North America.
The popularity of the name Michelle peaked in 1975, when it became the fifth most used name in the Social Security registry for newborns. This explains much. The only names that beat it then were Jennifer, Jessica, Abigail, and Elizabeth.
There are actually more Margarets in the US than Michelles, however, the average age of Michelles is between 28 and 39, whereas the average age of Margarets is between 65 and 80.
Margaret comes from the older version Marguerite, which means "pearl." I find that amusing. Michelle means "woman of god" which is sort of hilarious in that the French spell it the same way for a man. Oh, multination wackiness, how cool are you.
Also, livejournal spellchecker thinks that "Michelles" is a misspelled word, whereas "Margarets" is not.
These are things you run across when changing your name.