Wrong [Final Fantasy VII]

Nov 15, 2006 22:42

Title: Wrong
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (the original is still the best!)
Words: 541
Pairing: VincentXAngst OTP
Rating: FRT for language
Summary: “It’s really too bad Lucrecia was such a slut.”

This is my first real Vincent piece. I don’t normally write him, because angst makes me want to spork my eyes out. But I found one who’s almost kind of endearing.

It’s really too bad Lucrecia was such a slut.

No, that’s not fair, and it’s not even entirely true. But when I say it to myself, it makes me feel better.

She loved him, though he was a bastard, and she loved me, though I was barely more than a kid. Maybe if I’d been older, more experienced, I would have handled it better. But my world was still mostly black and white, and I didn’t understand the subtleties of their relationship or much of anything else.

The kicker is, he loved her too, in his own fucked-up way. Does that make it easier or harder? I don’t know.

At least it wasn’t a callous disregard for life, because he did love her. Losing her fucked us both up.

Because I was right, I thought with the self-absorbed arrogance of eighteen. Because he was wrong, I knew in hindsight. He was wrong where it counted, and he paid the ultimate price.

But then why go after Ifalna? Because being wrong was so anathema to him, so utterly destructive, that he was willing to do anything to unmake that truth. If they repeated the experiment and Ifalna lived, it meant that the flaw lay in Lucrecia, not in his theories.

If she didn’t - well, that was a circumstance not to be conceived.

Gast was not willing to sacrifice his own wife on the altar of Hojo’s ego, and that was the last straw as far as their friendship went.

It’s no wonder he went mad when Shin-Ra refused to authorize a repeat of the experiment. He would never know where he went wrong, and all he had left was a small silver-haired boy who was a long way from the perfect soldier he was working towards.

Long-term goals, indeed.

And what did Hojo know about raising children? The crazy scientist, twisted by grief and betrayal, bringing up the son he refused to acknowledge. If he didn’t get attached, he wouldn’t lose anything if he failed. That sounds exactly like the crabby bastard’s train of thought. Nary a thought as to how an attitude like that might affect the child, of course Sephiroth was just an experiment.

So the kid turned out beautiful, perfect, and as batshit as his batshit father. Score one for genetics. Too bad he wasn’t my kid, but of course, Hojo was too careful for anything like that to happen. Lu could be as much of a slut as her little heart desired - oddly, that didn’t bother him - but she had to use protection.

No, really.

He didn’t shoot me because he was jealous, he shot me because I told him he was wrong. He told me so. “I didn’t care that you were fucking her, Turk,” he said. His word, the big bad scientist. “But the science is none of your damned business.”


Of course, after all was said and done, it’s still the Turk who’s cleaning up the mess. Me, and Ifalna’s kid - who says the universe has no sense of irony? - and the fucked-up kid’s fucked-up ex-boyfriend, saving the world from Hojo’s rampaging need to be right.

Wish us luck, Dad.

We’re going to need it.

ffvii, final fantasy vii, fanfiction, fanfic

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