This is why you should have kids....

Jan 24, 2007 12:33

So last night I was cooking dinner and the State of the Union Address speech came on. Normally, I would have changed it because I can't stand to hear that man talk. He makes me want to puke. But since I was busy, I didn't go in the livingroom and change the channel so instead I just stayed in the kitchen and said nasty things. Zoey was playing in the livingroom and she heard me call him a "dildo" so next thing you know she says "dildo." Now, I obviously don't want her going to school and saying that so, I tell her, " No, Zoey he's not a dildo. Say George Bush is Stoopid instead." So she repeats after me and we keep practicing it, cuz I think it's funny. So, her dad gets home from the gym and I tell him he's gotta hear what Zoey and I are working on and I have her say it. Next thing you know, Dan tells me he has one better. So then he says to Zoey, "Tell Mama what we said about George Bush. Remember, we did it earlier?" And then she says, "BUSH SUCKS!"

All I can say is... I have the best 2 year old in the world.
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