V-Day Cards and Perfect Boyfriend Meme

Jan 26, 2008 22:53

Free art, whut?! So yeah, I'm doin' thangs.

1. Valentine's Day Postcards
I'm plotting some Valentine's to mail out to people. However, they will be gory and bloody and not safe for those who aren't strong of heart and stomach. ... Heh heh... heart... Get it? Anyways, I'm going to aim to mail them out on Thursday, February 14 or before. If you like one, send me a note on DA or email with your address. DO NOT POST IT HERE, AS COMMENTS ARE NOT BEING SCREENED! If you're going to be at Katsucon and I have them done, you can buy a print (standard print size) or mention this journal and get a free postcard/mini-print. However... I doubt anyone here will be at Katsucon so... yeah. If I know you in real life, you'll be getting one anyways, whether you want it or not! I'll probably hand it to you all smiles too! ^.^

2. Perfect Boyfriend Meme
Comment that you want art, and I'll design you a perfect mate. No, you can't tell me what you want them to look like, only if they're a boy or a girl! I'll be looking through your galleries to determine what type of person you might like, so please to be having a gallery and link me to your DA/PB/whatevs. :] DA is easiest...

That's it. I have nothing of import to say. Dreads tomorrow. Flippin' dreads! In my head! Madness!

Edit: I swear, this girl is the only one who can make me blush with some pencil marks and some words. Meet Byron, who, honestly, who make the perfect boyfriend.

perfect boyfriend, valentine's day, meme, art, free art

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