Hair Decisions, Moving Out...?, and Dolls

Apr 14, 2007 21:17

So, I think I'm going to dread my hair over the summer. I'm really sick of trying to maintain it as a short spiky do. Quite annoying. So yeah, look forward to me in dreads, hopefully. I'll need help installing them though. ._.; Feh, I'll work it out eventually.
As for moving out, it's looking really fuckin' impossible right now and that sucks. A lot. Maybe I'll just tough it out until senior year and see if Graham still wants to not be an RA. I don't know. With, like, the best possible luck ever, Kat and Cassie will find an awesome place with three bedrooms and nothing else and I shall have a place close enough to actually live in.
And now, dolls. I want a Luts doll. More specifically, I want the El special with dreaming head ($625), the DW-152 wig in natural black, and the Mighty Ankle Boots in black or the Redemption The Moon package or the Atlack Nacha El package. The last one would be pretty awesome. He looks like Suoren wearing more white... The Kaim package outfit would suit him better, but I can always make a new outfit. Anyways, yeah. A Luts doll would be awesome and I just may save up money from my job and buy it. Maybe.

In other news, plugging away at projects. Got my film final planned out and just need a place to shoot. Need the footage for my animation final. Character for drawing is pretty much designed and just needs some fleshing out. Observing Humans... we don't talk about that class. I... don't really want to work for Liz anymore. Photoshop is way too tedious for doing color work. I'm nearly done editing my Bolex film (YUS!). I have a job! That pays money AND experience! I... umm... have new pants... I wear them too. Yes. o.O; I've truly run out of things to say. G'night, folks.

PS: Fencing tourney tomorrow, yay!

dolls, hair, luts, fencing, living arrangements, dreads, school

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