So! I moved. I like it. I have my own closet now. ^___^ And a slightly less cluttered room. And, the best part of all, cable internet! Right now, I'm downloading all the programs and patches and such I'll need to play RO. I shall truly have no life. But let us backtrack a bit, shall we?
I'm on Spring Break. But... I have a lot of work to do. I'll probably put Drawing off and do it all in one sitting on Saturday. I think I'll work on my essays tomorrow. I'll plot out my tool for 3D tonight. I have an idea, but I need to make sure it's, you know, considered a tool. I'll also work on my original fiction a bit tonight. Yeah... Sweet Dreams needs some work. As for tomorrow... No clue. Chris wants me to come to Jersey and visit her. But I've no money. T.T Thursday's up in the air too. I think Friday or Saturday I'll make a run up to school and Utrecht. Possibly both, but it depends on how my last Writing essay goes. I might not need it.
In other news, I made a strange discovery while trying to see if I had any grades whatsoever. I apparently have 3 credits. In science. Science. WTF, yo?! Where did those come from!? Not that I'm complaining... Still, it's wierd. Maybe it's, like, all my culmaltive credits. I don't know. Maybe I'll ask someone about it on Monday.
Other than that, my life's boring. College was the only thing that made it vaguely interesting. I'm not liking this whole break thing. It's not like I got much of a break anyways.
... XP My mommy's asleep in the chair. 'Tis funny to me for some reason. ...Shut up, I know I'm strange.
Because we all, at some point in our lives, need a health+100 boost. Especially after Elemental attacks. ... BLIZZAGA! XD