Oh hai, LJ~!

Aug 30, 2011 19:32

I've been out of LJ for most of the time because I've been on Plurk, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, and my general blog, food blog and my crafting-oriented blog.  Oh and Google+ too. Ahaha.

If not for B who keeps on writing private posts, or some fandoms, I don't even log in.  But! I am keeping my LJ because this still has a lot of the stuff I'd like to remember from a long time ago ahaha.  And I still add some new people. Like mlina XD  I added her last night.

If you miss me too much, you know where to find me.  Online, that is.  A lot of you have added me on those sites as well and it's been fun keeping in touch.  (I know some of you don't post as often as you used to. But that's ok. Really. We all have lives!)  So yeah, I'm still around.  Dropping by at random intervals.  Just saying hi once again. :)

PS: The previous post was really just because I am paranoid that I might lose everything one day because LJ is acting crazy.


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