And another one...

May 29, 2012 15:06

I was in a large atrium-type space, and some sort of religious service or performance with choir began taking shape with people gathering.  Paul Ghosthorse (old college classmate, now a Lakota elder) and others appeared in robes, wearing odd hats shaped like British bobby helmets or something along those lines.  The robes were at least partially a rich deep blue (cobalt, maybe, like David's truck?) and the hats were black.

I started to leave...probably because I thought the ceremony wasn't open to outsiders, but hey, it was in an open space and others were gathering and milling around, so I went back, but felt sneaky doing so.

Then I was on a balcony overlooking the event.  Kathleen C. (my neurotic self-centered sometime friend) was standing next to me.  I spotted Paul down on the floor.  He was facing in our direction and I wanted Kathleen to see who he was, both because I went to school with him and because he's handsome.  I tried to get her to look but she was obviously disinterested.  At this point I got angry and said, "Shove it, Kathleen!" and she heatedly told me to shove it too.

I lost whatever happened after this, I think not much...I don't think there was any more exchange with Kathleen, but Susette Shiver (a new music friend) was sitting at a table behind the balcony by herself and I turned around and saw her.  We greeted each other.  That's all I can remember.


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