So I'm ready to graduate.
Going prom shoe shopping tomorrow. J-Mart and I found my dress last weekend, it's green and pretty and it was cheap. weee.
In other news I'm moving to the H-Town Hayden.
Here in Hayden if everything works out. I'm pretty excited. That also means I'll have to quit Subway. damn, what a shame.... ha.
I like my new avatar, too. I want to own a zoo one day. But the zoo will only have otters and penguins... and lemurs. That's all.
The drumline is going to be in the talent show to show off our mad skillz yo this Thursday. We're all dressing as stupid characters and we have masks, capes, and hats. I'm the man-eating piiirate and I have a pirate hat. Mandy, of course, is Kaptain Keller and has to have her music specially printed in braille because SOMEHOW she always seems to mess up the triangle part.....
Luckly, the talent show had auditions so no one has to bear to have their ears bleed due to Kristin Maddox's singing. bleh.
I want to move to TTown.
I miss Eric.
I want to dorm with Jessica, and will be highly upset if I don't get to... but I should get to.
I have a pre-cal test tomorrow, and I'm still not to sure how to make sinx+sinxcosx+cotx=cscx or whatever. sigh.
I wish I got paid tomorrow instead of Thursday.
I wish I never had to go back to school and listen to stupid people say increadibly stupid things time and time again.
But most of all, I wish I had a room and nice bed to sleep on for just one night instead of an uncomfortable fucking couch in my grandmothers basment.
..and I'd like to watch Finding Nemo.