Dec 12, 2003 09:20
So yeah im sick and it sucks the bag im dieing. Oh and steve says hi to everyone i dunno why no one really reads thing fucking thing its clown shoes hhaha. Anywhoo so i started a new band with a kid from salem state and he has a friend who plays guitar and the best part is its a chick hahaha its gonna be sweet and danny and im thinking of asking sean my drummer from carcrash to join its gonna be liek hardcore/punk shit im fucken pumped, its not liek i hate carcrash its just not really what i wanna play i mean i dont plan on quiting but i wish i could be happy with the sound and well im really not. Malkin always tries to throw in funk and shit and well im not intrested in being ina funk band its not my peice of pie we will see what happens. Well Mr. Jamison Rust is haveing a party tomorrow and hopefully i will be attending this wonderful event along with steve,danny, kristen and jeff anywhoo im fucking done i dont wanna type anymore soo yeah peace out and shit.