I'm expanding my use of
eck_music. If you see it on your "friend of" list, it's because I'm keeping track of who I share musical tastes with. If I've learned of good music from you or introduced you to some, you may get added. If you want to be added, say the word! Well, and vice versa.
This is partly inspired by a search on Penelope Swales, noticing that only three of us on LJ list her music (presumably) as an interest. Gack! The three of us obviously haven't dragged enough people to her concerts, or played her best songs for friends!
Incidentally, would it make any sense to turn
eck_music into a "community"? I'd still get to stick my expanded list of musical interests there, but then other people could post there. As a place to share recommendations, maybe? Although a single entry, especially one marked as memorable, should suffice for that. Eh. We'll see.