i'm off that charts biotch! =o) haha

Mar 22, 2004 11:19

so i went to josh's funeral today. that was so sad. they had a slide show with pictures of him when he was little and growing up, pictures from prom and homecomings. he looked so peaceful, yet he looked like he was joking and was just going to sit up and be like haha. seeing all those "tough" guys there, trying not to cry infront of everyone, but not really happening, tears rolling down their faces.

i got new eye balls today. =o) they are green. but its not a big difference, which is good.

i think i need a new job. i'm just sick of working there, and the bullshit that u get from the dumb ass women that come in here. it annoys me so much. nicole, my manager, said she had a dream i quit when she was on vacation, and she is going on vacation the 1st two weeks of april. the weird thing is, is that night i was thinking about quitting and finding a new job. i just feel like its not going anywhere, ya i can get certified and get raises and she is always talking about the assistant manager spot there, but i don't want to be that. i get too annoyed by it.

I'm still with lee. thats always fun. my mom finally knows about him now. only found out cause of those damn marks he left on me. i told him he did that on purpose so i would have to tell her. the only thing that she doesn't like is his age. which is understandable but i think she doen't care too badly, since she doesn't care when i go out with him and what not. he wants me to go to florida with him. i just need to see if i can get off work and what my mom says about that.

i am watching a show on plastic surgery, i want some. get rid of my gut and a reducation on my boobies. lol i need one badly. haha. yeah right i don't think i could, thats how everyone knows me, you know what i mean?... ewww... that guy is missing a big piece of his nose. that was gross.

well i think i have up updated for about 2 months see u all later. haha. byebye

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