Oct 26, 2003 06:59
Well yes i know it is 6:40, while every normal person in the united states is sleeping.. i am not, i have not been to sleep yet, u wanna know why?! i didn't wake up until 7 today! yea i haven't been up for 12 hours yet. lol horrible... lol
Well i jus wanted to let u all know, i am now employeed. lol i got a job.... yea me, the one who is the bum. lol
~~Megan~~ Simon and Skippy said Hi! lol Just Joshing ya. lol they are mean, they fight too much. Since when have u (family, whichever) decided to move? lol its not fun leaving the house u grew up in... =/ trust me.. lol.. i know. =o)
O well.. i made a new friend =o) lol he live by me too and he said he would take me out of his motorcycle (its a crotch rocket) =/ i said no. lol but i think he has a little money, cause he has 2 cars and 2 motorcycles and a house... lol but hey who knows. lol
I have just watched the whole 2nd season on the Osbournes. Nice. lol i wanna go to their house in England. It is HUGE!!!! I need to find me a Rocker for a husband... hmm.. any ideas?!? that would be the life for me.. i just don't wanna listen to the music. lol
I wanna watch that Rich Girls show.. Pointless TV at its finest right there. just cause their families have a TON of money they have a show... makes no since.
I want two cds also, i want the Eagles Very Best Of Cd and i want the R.E.M Greatest Hit too (88-03) and i want to get a tattoo. Man, i just want EVERYTHING don't i? lol j/k
Why are my posts just about shit all the time, they are so pointless. just random thoughts that come up in my head.. Kinda scary in there... i need one of those keep out signs... lol
SUNDAY STEW is gonna be on tonight at 9. Woohoo. its the guys from jackass, i like those guys, they are so stupid yet funny.
I went and saw Scary Movie 3.. poor kid. He wasn't having a good week/life. lol But that movie was gay. the 1st 2 were MUCHO better. Its cause the Wayne's Brothers didn't make this one, they sold the rights to some guy. And he just didn't have the funny bones in his body. lol And it was also a hint it wouldn't be as good cause it was PG13 and not R. that is just a small hint there. lol
JACK KILLED MINI!!! =( poor mini...