Apr 07, 2010 09:50

My faaaavorite little serpent, how long has it been! Well, not really that long at all, huh? Still trying to hide the memories of those children you gave me deep within the cesspool that is your mind? Good to hear, good to hear.  You do good work, I'm proud of you.

But I can never just leave you alone, you know.  There's always some new way to fiddle around with you!  So I've developed a scavenger hunt for you to complete.  It's mandatory, of course.  If you don't do everything on this list, you are subject to whatever I find suitable as a punishment.


The object of the game is misery!  There are two categories of misery-inducing objectives, Unto Others and Unto Yourself.  If you complete them both I'll give you a treat, if not... well... like I said, I have punishments in mind.  Probably involving your future children. idk.

[  ] Say something really hurtful to someone close to you, something that will make them cry!
[x] Physically hurt someone that you know (aka no strangers) and nobody that you can't stand! Broken bones are the minimum.
[x] Sacrifice someone to me!
[x] Teach someone pure how to do something evil!

[  ] Sleep with someone truly ugly!
[x] Have Mike spread more of that stuff all over your body! You're still not disgusting enough yet, as hard to believe as that is!
[  ] Tell that stupid God how much you hate him! (Yes, this belongs in this category.)
[x] Be a man in the daytime, and don't tell M where you've gone when he asks! Ooh, trust issues!
[x] Start visiting that man who ate you alive again! I'm sure he misses your company.

Come back to me once you've checked off every point on this list.  I can't wait to see how much misery you produce!

Byebye now~.



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