I thought the output on this one was hilarious in some cases...(hopefully they won't offend anyone...)
echosupernova's Halloween party:
amysens dressed as Ashlee Simpson riding a camel.
aurelia25 dressed as a 1990's grunge child.
bassetville dressed as Madonna.
dwhren dressed as Captain Kirk from "Star Trek".
fiesty_girl dressed as Optimus Prime.
gloworm59 dressed as Moltar.
jessica22 dressed as Karl Rove.
jlsatud dressed as something drunk, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
jms3382001 dressed as a character from "Duck Soup".
maximotion dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Kelley.
nice_guy_but dressed as a zombie.
nicegrl99 dressed as a junior corporate spy department janitor.
rainswolf gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a new superhero: Elasti- Android.
rikhei dressed as Barney Gumble.
smiley5137 dressed as Al Pacino, though it looked more like a new superhero: Snow -wave.
vthing98 dressed as an external hard drive.
whonose26 dressed as the love child of Tom Cruise and Janet Reno.
xiombarg dressed as a bottle of Reprooft.
zekbee0611 dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Dwarf of Darkness, and it suited them all too well.
zpink_panther dressed as the Duke of West NotusCity.
Throw your own party at the
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