(no subject)

Jan 14, 2012 01:07

Title: With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear
Author:  echostone155
Rating: PG (Each chapter will be rated individually)
Pairing: Jack/Alex
Summary: Alex is a mind reader.
Title credit goes to: Sleeping With Sirens c:

They had ended up being a few more than they had planned on, so they were now driving two minivans. Jack, Alex, Rian, Zack, Kara, Lisa and Alexandra in one, Matt, Grieco, Evan, Samantha, Dan, Jessie and Meredith in the other. They had rented a beach house and it wasn't enough rooms for everyone of them, but they sorted that out easily.

'Mom made us some sandwiches in case we got hungry,' Alex grinned and took out the plastic bags with the sandwiches in. No one made better chicken sandwiches than Isobel Gaskarth.

'Gimme!' Rian shouted from the back and made grabby hands towards Alex. Rian was in the back with Kara and Lisa, Zack was in the middle with Alexandra and Alex and Jack was in the front, Alex driving.

'Jack, they're in my bag,' Alex said and Jack grabbed his bag and started searching through his bag when he suddenly stopped. Alex looked over at Jack when he noticed that he had stopped and dammit, why didn't he hide them better?

'Someone's hoping to get lucky this weekend,' Jack smirked and held up some of the condoms he had brought with him.

Preferably with me.

'Well, I just thought in case someone forgot or has to borrow one,' Alex lied and put on some music in stead.

'Did anyone bring the weed?' Zack asked and Rian raised his hand and told him that both he and Flyzik had brought some. Nodding, Zack lay down in the seat, head in Alexandra's lap to sleep.

They used three and a half hours to get to Ocean City. They stopped to pee, buy food when they were out of sandwiches and to change drivers. Zack was already stoned so he was out of the question, Rian was drinking so that left Jack to drive. No one actually knew if he was a good driver or not, but he turned out to be pretty decent.

'So, I noticed that you have a pretty good stock of condoms in your bag, who exactly is it that you're hoping on fucking this weekend?' Jack asked and took a turn to the right.

Alex turned around to make sure no one was listening and it turned out that they were all sleeping.

'I don't know, maybe Lisa or Grieco,' he shrugged and turned back around. No chance in hell he was telling Jack that he wanted to hook up with him, or anyone else for that matter. That was a secret no one should know about.

'So you swing both ways then,' Jack smirked.

'Well, yeah, obviously,' he shrugged and it turned silent for a while. It was nice because Alex was tired and he really wanted to sleep. He was a bit disappointed that it hadn't been more exciting, but it was a Friday and everyone was tired after school, so he sort of understood why the majority of the car was sleeping. Still, he hoped the weekend was going to be amazing.

'You're just some sort of perfect kid, aren't you?' Jack sighed when Alex awoke from his slumber.

'What?' he asked and turned after a water bottle. 'I'm not though.'

'Well, yeah you are. You have amazing grades, friends who sticks up for you no matter what and you're rich. What isn't perfect about you?' Jack laughed and smiled.

'I can safely say I'm not perfect. We all have skeletons in our closet, Jack,' Alex said and it was a mix between sadness, anger and despair. Despair? Maybe for telling someone about it.

'Well, I doubt it could be that bad. Probably something not bad at all, like doing coke,' he laughed and Alex just wished it was that simple.

'Yeah, something like that,' he mused. 'So, how's sophomore year?'

'It's school, so yeah.. Not too bad though, nice people,' he smiled and his eyes flickered downwards and he blushed. Alex could only guess he was thinking about John and it made Alex swell with jealousy.

'Oh, someone special?' he wiggled his eyebrows and tried to make it sound like he was joking, but even he heard that it was forced. Jack nonetheless replied with a giggle.

'Maybe,' he said and it was clear that he wanted to talk about it but Alex wouldn't give him the satisfaction of rubbing it in, so he just dropped it. He wanted to try and change the subject but he couldn't think about anything. His vision was blurred because of the tears that threatened to spill any moment.

Maybe I love John, in a way. I know we're not exclusive or anything, but we're as good as. I really do think I love him.

Alex wanted to tear out his hair and stab his eyes and ears and he just wanted the hurt to go away. So he decided to open a can of beer and chugged it straight. He got a blunt from Zack who handed it to him groggily. Jack just looked at him as he smoked the blunt and shrugged, taking the blunt from Alex.

'Dude, you're driving.'

'Well, we're there in like ten minutes so I don't see the problem,' Jack shrugged and took another drag.

Alex just shrugged and took the blunt back, stroking it and mumbling 'My precious'. Just like he had done earlier in high school, not to a blunt tho, but in an actual play. Embarrassing as fuck indeed. He hoped to God those pictures were never to be seen again.

Jack pulled up outside the two story beach house they had rented for the weekend and it looked amazing. The sun was hanging low on the sky, creating an amazing sunset and the sea was bathing in different colors.

'This is really pretty,' Lisa said and pulled out her camera and took a few pictures of it, then she took pictures of the house and the guys and girls. 'Time to get drunk!' she shouted before she ran into the house and took in the surroundings. Alex, Jack, Grieco and Flyzik was outside unloading the minivans, when Flyzik walked over to the van Alex was cleaning out of.

'Hmm, you look pretty fucking hot there in your skinny jeans and t-shirt,' he smirked and placed his hands on Alex's hips. 'Too bad they're not staying on too long,' he laughed and attached his lips to Alex's neck.

'Not here, Matt.. Not where people can see us,' Alex muttered sheepishly and gave Matt a quick peck before he continued unloading the van. Matt sighed before he walked over to Meredith and carried her in a bridal style over the doorstep.

Why can't he just realize that it's not bad for us being together. Everyone knows he's gay. I don't see the problem. Is he even worth my time anymore?

'You want some help with that or?'

'Oh, hey Jack,' Alex breathed after unloading a particularly heavy bag he could only guess belonged to a girl. 'No, I think this is the last one, but thanks.'

'Have you seen the house? It's fucking incredible,' Jack grinned and his eyes sparkled and he just looked so ... home and content. Alex smiled and shook his head and no, he hadn't had a chance to see the house from it's inside yet, but if he was to judge by the outside it would look ridiculously good.

Jack grabbed Alex's hand and intertwined their fingers and dragged him to the house. He let go of Alex's hand and left him with a 'This is going to be an amazing weekend, Lex,' and Alex smiled so much at the nickname because no one had ever called him that. He liked it, especially when it came from Jack. Lex. It was going to be something just the two of them shared. Something between them.

He was ripped out of his thoughts by Flyzik throwing him a beer and a sly smile, and Alex was thrown back to reality. There was no way he could get Jack to be only his without hurting someone in the process. That someone being Matt. Matt was too fragile, too new to be thrown into the same roller coaster Alex was in. Matt was so new to all of this and unlike Alex, Matt had never done anything wrong and Alex didn't want something else on his conscience.

'Dude, why are you being such a party pooper?' Evan laughed and slang his arm around Alex's shoulder and guided him into the small crowd formed by his friends. He loved them, he really did. He was so, so grateful for them being there. Even if he sometimes acted like a freak.

'Thank you,' he muttered to Evan and rested his head in the crook of his neck. 'Thank you so much.'

A/N: I KNOW I PROMISED YOU SMUT IM SORRY!!! But I just didn't feel like it belonged in this chapter with Alex being all sappy at the end you know, so next chapter wooh! lmao im going to a party tomorrow so tomorrow i wont update and idk about sunday because you know yeah
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