Fourteen things you want to do before you die:
1) Get in a fight/brawl
2) Dye my hair blue
3) Live in another country for at least a year
4) Own a house with hidden passageways
5) Fall in love
6) Own a cat (or two... or more.)
7) Learn how to cook (REALLY cook)
8) Read The Five People You Meet In Heaven
9) Write a story (ie FINISH a story)
10) Swim in the ocean
11) Raise children
12) Design a GOOD website
13) Stay up all night and watch the sun rise on the roof
14) See homosexual marriage legalized
Thirteen random things you like:
1) Wasps
2) Thunderstorms
3) Pirating music
4) The smell of mud
5) Dancing
6) Designing web sites
7) Hugging people
8) High speed internet
9) Chinese
10) Sandman comics
11) Songs in all sorts of languages
12) Getting mail
13) Making eggrolls
Twelve movies:
1) Reqium for a Dream [Rated R for a reason... Disturbing. Depressing. Beautiful.]
2) Antonia's Line [i'd call it a family movie if it weren't for the rape, suicide, and lots and lots of sex]
3) Hero
4) Amalie
5) Ever After [My favorite Happily Ever After]
6) Milo and Otus
7) The Ring [Such a cute movie!]
8) My Neighbor Totoro [SQUEE!]
9) LoTR [all three]
10) Nightmare Before Christmas [A classic that cannot be overlooked]
11) Spirited Away [Miyazaki goodness!]
12) To Live [SO SAD!! *cries*]
Eleven good bands/artists:
1) Frou Frou
2) The Postal Service
3) Josh Groban
4) Gackt
5) Linkin Park
6) Bowling for Soup
7) Carbon Leaf
8) Maná
9) Birthday Massacre
11) 龍飄飄
Ten things about you:
1) i tend to collect things (bottles, ticket stubs, rocks, dimes, stickers, chopstick wrappers, fortune cookie fortunes, pencils, music, earrings, feathers, beads, twisty ties, state quarters, little boxes/tins, Chinese New Year red pockets, fans, etc)
2) i can raise both eyebrows
3) i'm quite tickling... some might even say very ticklish...
4) i'm getting chubby ( = __ = )
5) Two of the best things to happen to me are my sister, and moving to Stillwater
6) i decided to be happy a couple of years ago, and i think i'm doing a damn good job
7) Root Beer is the only soda pop i can't resist
8) On average, i comb my hair once a week
9) My best friend in 2nd grade was a tree
10) i love college - it makes jr. high and high school worth it
Nine good friends: Just nine!? GAH!!
1) Devon (Who i stole this from)
2) Zee-chan (the best thing i got out of 9th grade Geometry)
3) Kelli/Squire (My Kingdom of Pail buddy)
4) Evan/Eanligan (We have to get together sometime)
5) Alissa (My Bucket Queen!)
6) Elsaboots (Whom i've known FOREEEVAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!)
7) Kalyssa (Who i am STILL waiting to see gorgeous pictures of!)
8) Daphneh/Zeduire (i can't wait to see you in a little more than a year! XD)
9) Tara (The best penpal ever - if there are angels on earth, she's one of them)
Seven things you wear daily:
1) A shirt
2) My glasses/contacts
3) Pants. Mmm, pants.
4) Hair binders (usually on my wrists)
5) At least one earring (usually)
6) Underwear
7) ... skin?
Six things that annoy you:
1) Racism
2) Anti-gay marriage
3) Walking behind smokers
4) Cramps
5) Asian ladybeetles (scare would be more accurate)
6) Getting up early
Five things you touch everyday:
1) William (my laptop)
2) Henry (spider buddy)
3) Mono (virus buddy)
4) My doornob
5) Student ID
Four things you could not live without:
1) William + his internet
2) Hugs
3) Water
4) Music
Three celebrities you have a crush on: Since i don't know many...
1) Mini (teh boyfriend - let's pretend he's a movie star)
2) Jack, the Pumpkin King!
3) ...
Two things that make you smile:
1) Life
2) Waking up to a kiss on the forehead
One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
... which, as far as i can tell, could be Mini. *shrug* But who knows?
Failing that, my sister and i get along pretty well. We'll scare away each other's potential significant others and threaten to stab each other with chopsticks when we're old and wrinkled.