Jan 03, 2006 02:06
There's a delicious burn in my legs and an ache in my back. i really need to be more active this semester. i miss the endorphines, and the burn (though you wouldn't guess it, the way i complain). Anyways, went to my father's Shaolin class. i went once before a couple months ago. This'll be my last, the monk is heading back home in two or three months. So, yeah. But i met another freshman going to Cornell, home for the winter holidays! She has a j-term though, so she'll be here for a while. Too bad i won't be around to get to know her. *sigh*
In other news... as the break comes to an end, i've come to the realization that despite being incredibly unproductive, i really enjoyed it. i think i needed some time-out time. i was an introvert for years, and remain so at heart, and college is a little hard on that. i haven't gotten together with any of my friends, though that should change as of tomorrow, and though i really miss and love you all, i think "what is, is" and perhaps for the better.
My room is (somewhat) clean! Huzzah! My room always gets messy after the holidays... the great delimma of "Where do i put all this stuff!?" There's a tiny little itch that whispers i should rearrange, which would be a TERRIBLE idea, seeing as it's a mess already and i'm leaving on thursday. i think i ought to spend my day outside of my room, lest it grows. If it follows me back to the dorm, then i'll REALLY be in trouble. Oh, gods, i just remembered. If you have any heart at all and a say in Fate and Destiny, hope for my sake that they didn't shut off the power. i forgot to take the eggs out of the refridgerator before heading out, and i'm not sure my roommate got to them.
i merged a pair of pants! It WAS a huge, old pair of overalls and a pair of boypants (no hips! Too small! Grar!), and now it is one awesome pair of pants. Sure, there are a few holes, but we don't sweat the little things. ( ^ ___ ^ )
i should take a shower now. But all i want to do is dance...
freshman 06,
winter break