Mar 04, 2008 17:25
So Yeah that's about it. I finally found a way to describe my mind when I get upset, or mad. My mind gets locked in a dark room and can't find a door. So basically when it comes to thoughts, I can't think. It's like a vale over the eyes of my mind. So this is how my last meeting with Catherine Banasiak at UNCG went.
I sat down outside the Vacc Center. I waited for Catherine to show up for our meeting. She came in finally. She saw me and waved. I waved back to let her know that I saw her wave. It wasn't a "hey how are you doing?" kind of wave. So she sat down with her friends first and chatted for a bit. That was fine because our meeting wasn't till 5pm. She wrapped up her meeting with her friends and approached me. She stated to talk, but I cut her off. As I talked she sat down. I handed her some papers that were needed in our meeting. I showed her this first paper that I printed off. On it was supposed to be my unofficial transcripts. But due to the words being in an odd color, they didn't print. So then I handed her the paper where I copied and pasted the words and had to reconstruct it. For some reason when I pasted the words they splattered all over in an unorganized manner. So I spent a few hours fixing it. So then I shower her the last paper I had which was the Mathematics Major requirements. I was talking as I handed these to her. I said, "This paper is what I first printed, but it didn't work. This paper is where I copied and pasted it to make it visible. This paper is my requirements for the math major. But it doesn't matter anymore because I quit." So then I stood up and started walking away. She said to me that I couldn't leave these here. I think she misunderstood my "I quit" statement as a "I quit this conversation" and not "I quit this class, therefore my whole semester." I replied back with, "It doesn't matter any more." So I left.
That was that.