Dec 03, 2006 22:36
~*~Girl Confessions~*~
I wear pink: false
I have dyed my hair: true
I've danced around in my underwear: false
I like(d) the Spice Girls: true, in a very definitely past-tense sense
I wear makeup: false
Ive snuck out to meet boys: false
I keep a diary: true
I love chocolate: true
chick flicks make me cry: false
Ive drank because of a guy: false
I still need my girl time: false
It takes me at least an hour to get ready: false
I still have sleep overs with my girls: false
I love doing my hair: false
Guys suck: false.
My boyfriend's better than yours: false by the principle of nonexistence
Trucks are pretty much hot: false by the principle of not caring really
I have low self-esteem: true
High self esteem?: false, by the principle of I just answered the reciprocal of this question.
I've given a guy a fake number: false
I've been honked at going down the road: false, thankfully
I've been hit on in public: true
I've been called a slut: true, weirdly enough
I probably deserved being called a slut: false
I've gone commando: false by the principle of not entirely understanding what this means
I've been asked for my number by a guy I just met: false
I gave him my number: false by the principle of negation by the previous question
I've asked a guy for his number who I just met: false
I like pop music: false
I like singing: true
I like dancing: true, but only in the strictest privacy of my bedroom
I've pulled hair when I got in a fight: false
I've taken a shot to a guys nuts: false
My boobs are too big: false
My boobs are too small: false, I think
Football players are hot: false, despite the obvious generalisation
I have my belly button pierced: false
I have my tongue pierced: false
I have a tattoo: false
*Guy Confessions *
I have watched porn: true
I have played/cheated on a girl: false
I have slept naked: true
I play video games: true, on rare occasions
I wear boxers to bed: false
I've thrown rocks @ a girl's window: false
I've drank because I felt like it: true, if the very odd glass of wine counts
I still beat my buddies up: false
Of course they never beat me up: true
I drive some type of car: false
I have a job: true, but not one I get paid for
I have more than one job: true, if see above
I currently have a girlfriend: false
My girlfriend is better than yours: false by the principle of nonexistence
I'm cocky: false
I've forgotten to return a phone call to a girl...or a few: false
Not all guys are the same: true
I'd do anything for a special girl: hmmm, if there was one, I think so
I'm in love: false by the principle of nonexistence
I've honked at a girl going down the road: false
I've hit on a girl in public: false
I've asked a hot girl for her number that I just met: false
I've acted like a man whore: false
Pamela Anderson is hot: false, I would have to say
Sports over-rule everything else: false, unless they count AL
I like rock music: true
I like rap music: false
I've been suspended: false
I've gotten detention: true
The whole "if a guy has big feet" thing is true: wouldn't know
Cheerleaders are hot: false, by and large