Dec 07, 2009 21:38
Well, I want to start using lj more. I mean, I like it, I'm just... terrible with remembering to frequently sign on to sites like this. XD So for right now, this is just a random, here's what happened to me today, kind of post. No real meaning or purpose, and that's how I like it. 8D
Things happened today! Exciting! I had my first Model UN conference today and was in the historical security council. I started out as Morocco and the oh-so-reliable Internet told us that our topic was going to be the Bosnia-Herzegovina conflict, but then they told us all that the topic was the Arab-Israeli conflict, and I turned into Brazil. It was just... I don't even understand how things got that screwed up. It was not super organized, but I had fun. 8D Debating for over 6 hours is great.
OUR AMERICA WAS SO PERFECT. Especially for the time frame. We were doing it in the year 1948, and America was very "C'MON GUYS LET'S DO THIS! WORK TOGETHER! THERE IS A SOLUTION!" and he was a fantastic speaker, but he completely BSed his way through it all. Also, he had an American flag tie, and when he and Israel were explaining their proposed solution, he started an argument with "Okay, guys, here is a big ol' slice of ''Murican pie!" <3
Israel was adorkable and super sweet, but he... definitely knew how to be Israel. He played it very, very well. And the Republic of China was also quite good. Not surprising, since the delegate works for Cadillac and is around/helps/does stuff with cars salesmen all the time. He was fantastic at explaining things, influencing people, and speaking.
Our chair also had to be Poland, which caused some issues at first, until we all realized "Poland isn't even strongly biased about this topic anyway. Even if he WASN'T able to separate being a chair and being a delegate, it really wouldn't matter." But whenever he spoke, I expected it to be with a flourish and a valley girl accent. "Like, oh my god, you guys! This is SO stupid! All of this fighting is, like, totally messing up your nails! What's WRONG with you?!" APH, what have you done to me?
So yes. It was fun.
And then just a few hours ago, I got my new iPhone 3G! ...With a bright candy blue shell. I've named it Apollo, and I love it. A lot.
MUN and Apollo make up for how terrible my morning and afternoon were. And now, to stop procrastinating and try to do all of the homework I missed today (thanks to MUN) and Friday (thanks to this AWFUL ILLNESS THAT I HAVE AUGH).
model un,
for the lulz,