don't fight, don't lose your head

Apr 28, 2009 03:55

Title: The Sky Caves In, The Devil Cuts Loose
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Set during "End of Days"
Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Seriously.
Notes: Written for confluents for this meme. She asked for a drabble based on this icon.

There are a million other things Ianto Jones should be thinking about and prioritizing. Bliss would be a blank mind, focusing solely on surviving, but Ianto can't quite seem to get to that state. He should be determining how he and Gwen are going to get Jack out of the Hub without getting them killed from falling debris. He should be calculating what's going to need to be replaced and repaired, assuming they don't all die. He should be wondering how Jack survived when he watched Owen put a bullet in his brain. He should be regretting betraying Jack to open the Rift when just yesterday he shot Owen for doing the same thing. He should be praying that this is all somehow worth it and the end of the world doesn't come today.

He should not, however, be taking comfort in the now familiar weight of Jack's body against his. He shouldn't feel elated that Jack's alive, his sluggish heartbeat and hot breath on Ianto's neck. He shouldn't be thinking of how badly he wants to fuck Jack into the mattress when this is all over, expressing all the anger and joy and confusion and contrition he feels. He shouldn't be gripping Jack just a little tighter, just to make sure.

But when they get outside and Gwen steps away so Jack is leaning solely onto him for support, that's all Ianto can think about.

Title: Take Me, Baby, Or Leave Me
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Seriously.
Notes: Written for nieded for this meme. She asked for a drabble based on this icon.

There will always be soldiers in bars flirting with Jack Harkness.

Jack sighs as he sits up, thoughts racing, and Ianto completely conked out next to him. He cannot, for the life of him, figure out why this bothers Ianto. Even understanding and respecting (or trying to) the restrictions of 21st Century relationships, he can't figure out why someone being interested in him would bother Ianto. It's not like he reciprocates... most of the time. He just has an attractive personality. People notice him, and it has nothing to do with the period military dress. It's not something he can help and nor does he really want to. Jack lavishes attention.

Though at the end of the day the only attention Jack really wants is Ianto's, and he wonders if Ianto even realizes that. He hides hesitation and worry and maybe a bit of self doubt under a mask of order and precision and perfection (Jack tries very hard not to call it anal retentiveness), that Jack wonders how this is ever even going to work. Things won't change, not the way Ianto would like them to, at least, and he can foresee a lifetime of fighting and making up. He wonders if it's worth it.

And then Ianto rolls over and looks up at him sleepily, and he's beautiful, and Jack stops wondering. He leans down and kisses him slowly and deeply, and grins when Ianto makes a small noise of content.

"Hey, Pookie."

Ianto makes a face and pushes Jack away. "Ugh, Jack, don't ever call me that."

Jack laughs and gets up out of bed, walking away.

meme, fic, public, jack/ianto, torchwood

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