Oct 30, 2008 11:56
Car's post about about snow but..
We were driving to the mall a few days ago and the weather was shitfully shittastic, rainy and icy, but no snow. So we are waiting at a light and this SUV drives up and he has snow everywhere.
Where the hell did he come from? So we drive to the next light behind him coming up with various places he could have come from with that much snow still on his car. He stops in the next lane to make a left and I'm going to make a right so our cars are lined up accordingly.
Me : (chantingly) Look at me, look at me, look at me
Car : wtf?
Him: staring blankly forward..not looking at me.
Me : Look at me, look at me, LOOK AT ME..
Car : loling
I turn back and alas he IS looking at me..
Much loling ensued.