I had a lol moment by myself earlier. I was having some mad heartburn, and I took a tums. A little later, I still had heartburn and pulled out another one and literally out loud said "Maybe this is what I need. Another one. Hell, who knows what I need?!" and then I looked at the tums roll in my hand and it said S E-X! lol Talk about the Universe trying to tell you something haha. I guess I had ripped the TUM and the S was left and the E-X for extra strength.
71: Would you be willing to have horrible nightmares every night for a year if you would be rewarded with extraordinary wealth?
Oooooh, this is a tough one. A year?? Hmmm. I am gonna say yes, but damn I’d be frazzled at the end of that year. I’d need the money for destressing lol.
71b: What would you do if you realised that unless you changed jobs and took a 35 percent pay cut, you would have moderate insomnia and a nightmare every month or so? Is there anything worse than the worst nightmare?
That’s about normal for me, so I would not do it. I could use the money. I think the only thing worse than the worse nightmare is it actually coming true.
72: If you could have free, unlimited, service for five years from an extremely good cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal secretary, which would you choose?
Easy question! Housekeeper lol I take it back, I'll take the masseuse because I don't like the idea of someone looking through my messes.
73: Would you be willing to go to a slaughterhouse and kill a cow? Do you eat meat?
I do eat meat (though chicken much more because meat is hard for me to digest, so I limit my intake), and yes, I would be willing to go to a slaughterhouse and kill a cow, though I’d much prefer not to.
74: Would you enjoy spending a month of solitude in a beautiful natural setting? Food and shelter would be provided but you would not see another person.
Yes, please!
75: After a medical examination, your doctor calls and gravely says you have a rare lymphatic cancer and only a few months to live. Five days later, she informs you that the lab tests were mislabeled; you are perfectly healthy. Forced for a moment to look death in the face, you have been allowed to turn and go on. During those difficult days you would certainly have gained some insights about yourself. Do you think they would be worth the pain?
I think probably, yes. Then again, knowing me, I would probably say everything to everyone that I normally wouldn't have, and would have to deal with that later. Also, I would probably have to go to the doctor to get inspected after having hired some gigolo(s) lol. Hey, I thought I was gonna die haha
76: One hot summer afternoon, while walking through a parking lot at a large shopping center, you notice a dog suffering badly from the heat inside a locked car. What would you do?
Look for the owner, and if they could not be found, call the authorities to see if they couldn’t break the window or something. It would really depend on how dire the situation with the dog was. If I felt like the dog was about to imminently pass out or die, I think I’d break the window and ask questions later.
77: Do you feel ill at ease going alone to either dinner or a movie? What about going on a vacation by yourself?
I do and don’t. I have gotten used to it, but I prefer some company at least.
78: If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
Yes! I would change everything that I had in my list to change.
79: For $20,000 would you go for three months without washing, brushing your teeth, or using deodorant? Assume you could not explain your reasons to anyone, and that there would be no long-term effect on your career?
Is this one or all? I could easily go without brushing my teeth for three months, I’d just stock up on mints, but washing and not using deodorant…I couldn’t. Could I use baby wipes? Probably not…Yeah, not even for $20,000. Just thinking about it gave me the creeps. I have a huge thing about being overgamey. I start freaking out and I need to get to a shower immediately! I experienced it a couple of times in studio, and I didn’t like it. That wasn’t even a week!
79b: How do you react to the idea that more people are willing to have sex for money (question 156) than to forgo washing? A century ago this would not have been the case; do you think our more permissive sexual attitude is a healthy development? What about our increased attention to personal hygiene? How important is advertising in bringing about these changes?
I think it can be a healthy and empowering thing in the right people. However, on the whole, I think that such permissiveness in sexual attitude is dirty. I don't mean in a moral sense, I mean in the sense of DISEASE. I think advertising is important in both cases, but I would say more so in the cleanliness issue. Ads for washes, soaps, etc. are inescapable nowadays, and I'm glad! Get the word out there to everyone to take a shower every once in a while ;)
80: Would you rather die peacefully among friends at age fifty, or painfully and alone and age eighty? Assume that most of the last thirty years would be good ones.
Painfully and alone at 80. I assume that's how it'll happen anyhow, so I have no illusions about how dying 30 years younger when I can enjoy 30 years of good life would be the better option.