Nov 12, 2005 19:51
i've had my job for over a year. never have i experienced anything like this:
today a woman was screaming at her kid while he was crying (he was maybe five..maybe) that he couldn't have anything because he peed in his pants. half an hour later i'm pulled to the handicapped women's restroom and i witness something disgusting. a pair of little boys underwear, completely filled with shit. i don't mean streaked, i mean logs. it was disgusting. it was stashed in the corner of our bathroom on the floor. and the toilet was filled with a fourth a roll of toilet paper. i mean seriously, wtf. what kind of person would think this was okay? like we wouldn't know it was her from the scene she made about a little kid having an accident? what a fucking cunt, no joke.
on another note, HE TOUCHED MY HAIR. haha.