I had the best night last night! I have a friend who does sound at the Kentucky Center for the Arts and he told me that if their was ever a show that I wanted to see he would let me in and I could sit with him in in a seat not taken! So a few months ago I heard that David Sedaris was coming! I brought my sponsor Judy with me. She hasn't read or even heard of him but is open minded and loves to do stuff. We had a freaking blast! We got to sit with Ted at the sound area and had a perfect view of David. It was on the main floor to the right side facing him. Really nice.
David told a story about lambs and crows as he is writing about animals first. It's a discussion between the two about life and spirituality. The crow teaches the Lamb how to meditation and in the end eats the eyeballs out of the Ew's baby. Then he said that he was invited to give a speech or something at Princeton and talked about having to wear a cap and gown and calling his Dad for advice on rather he sound accept the invite or not. His Dad asked him to see if he could get some honorary diploma and naturally David had already asked. Not himself but through his agent. He said that he had been working on different speeches and read one to us. It was pretty funny. I won't butcher it though. The final story was about a gift for Hugh. Apparently Hugh is very vague about what he wants and tells David that if he really knew and loved him he would KNOW what he wanted. So David gets a hint one day, an actual hint from Hugh and he goes out and buys it. I think it's going to be in the New Yorker coming up. If you want to know more just ask! Unless you already know.
After that he whipped out a book that he adored and told us all to buy it and how great it was. It is called...fuck. I don't remember. But when I talk to Judy I will ask her because she wrote it down. It was really cool to see him going off about someone else's book and writing style. Maybe this is a thing he always does, I wouldn't know.
He answered questions. He has such a sweetness about him. I really enjoyed it.
Judy had bought a book before we went in. Dress your family. We got out really fast because we were right by the exit. She wanted to get it signed by him so we got in the beginning of the line! Hugh and his family are from Louisville so his family got to be first to see and talk to him. I thought that was great! Also David needed to smoke so we all waited about 20 minutes. Not bad at all! I don't know if I would have waited if we were way back in the line. I was really excited at this point because I hadn't ever done anything like this! Normally I wouldn't have either, it was Judy's idea. He came out and started signing books and talking to each and every person. I thought that was awesome. He talked to them! The people in front of us were lame and commenting about how he felt the need to entertain everyone of them. I hate those people.
Anyway...when we got to him Judy told him that she was a new fan and that she was a dedicated smoker. So they hit it off. He congratulated her and suggested they both work on ways to get more kids smoking. Judy was a little stunned as she doesn't know his style outside of that show. It was cute. Oh oh! And Judy bought me a book because they had them up there on the desk! I didn't expect that because I haven't ever been to a book signing before! I got Children Playing before a Statue of Hercules. They are short stories by other authors that David picked. If I would have thought about it I would have bought the one he mentioned during his talk but I was star struck and completely forgot. I told him that I quit smoking on Thursday. He seemed genuinely disappointed. He suggested that I start again and told me that always could. I thanked him and agreed. I told him that I was smoking 10 before yoga class and he said, "Smoke before Yoga!" in his voice and his way. So so awesome. He asked my name and wrote this in my book....
click on it if you want the image bigger.
Yay! The end.