
Dec 20, 2004 22:22

Being the dork that i am, i, indeed am posting a two, thats right TWO, entries in one night! god i am so cool. if there was a thermometer that mesured coolnes, my temperature would be like 110.9. really. i am watching d'fused. its the making "take it away" from the used. jepha is really hot. i am not dissing quinn or bert, but i like jepha and brandon the best. they are just so damn funny. i was laughing. its one of the coolest videos ever, well, yea its pretty fucking close. i get everything thrice hours earlier cause i am on east coast time-on the west coast- so it may be ten thirty, but that means it really is one thirty and nothing is on. i think i am afraid to go to sleep. really. i have these wierd memories, and i can like see myself sleeping and i get this really disgusting feeling, so therefore i am afraid to go to sleep. i guess that its good that i am an insomniac. i am watching sabrina the teenage witch, and i never realized how fucking fake the cat, salem, looks so damn fake. i mean you can see the wires when he opens his mouth. i hate my room. i just cant hold on to money and for very long to get some kick ass posters. and its in some dire need of rearanging. i have nothing to do tommorow, maybe i should clipping coupons. i can not wait till i go to reno!!! i mean i hate it, but i really want to start reading all my books. i could start reading now, but then i wouldnt have anything to read on the SEVEN FUCKING HOUR train ride. when my mom buys my sister a new laptop i get her old one after her boy friend fixes it, so then i can practice on it, until i get my kick-ass mac laptop my jounior or senior year, even though my dad has a windows so i he doesnt have any softwear for it, so i think that i am going to bum bootleg coppies off my school cause god knows they have enough. i think that if i just keep typing all my worries and problems go away. have you noticed all the perscription medcicine adds on tv lately? i mean they are spending more money on commercials and lab work on getting 50 year olds hard so they can fuck there 20 year old whores rather than spending it on HIV/AIDS research or fixing the fucking global warming issure in the united states! you see a commerical for a pill and they show the people running in the fields with kites and frollicing in the ocean with your perfect boyfriend. i dont know what they have but i want it just so i can take the pill and be like that afterword. i guess since i just can complain, i will just stop watching tv, and concentrate on the ciggarete adds in the magazines, except DIW and ad-free which consequently are they only magazines i read, well with the exception of sf weekly and gaurdian, but those are newspapers. so now that i am done watching tv, and the magazines and newspapers i read dont have annoying adds for cigarrtes (just ones for vegan sundae shops and s and m leather stores hehe) i am setting a new goal for this entry: to get to the end of this little box so i have to scroll down at least one click to read the whole entry. so i really dont know what to type for the last three or four lines. i guess i could map out my schedule for tommorrow. lets so i have some putzing around, then some dillydaddilying, than at one pm comes procrastinating, than some sloth like behaivour, than some staring at the walls contemplating the meaning of life, than some more aimless wandering, right up unitl supper, than i sould eat some pasta, after that i dillydally unitl bedtime where i shall dream about procrastining, wow i just cant wait till tommorrow. i just have like one more line, or a couple more words. the lindsy lohan video came on. i think she needs to learn how to dress so at least she covers some of her body, and shes not that good of a singer, and her song is about the paparazzi staring rumors and following her when she doesnt get that much publicity, i mean abe lincoln gets more attentions, and that is saying something. ok well i have succed in my goal for this entry and i have a feeling no body is going to take the time to read this immensely long entry, but i just love to type and the little clicking noises, and i absolutely hate when my feet fall asleep and in the process of waking up they get all tingly and spastic.
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