028 // [video & action] // I want my shiny office back, damnit!

Dec 04, 2010 18:21

[ Lamb sits in the common room, looking none too pleased. According to an orderly 'the books she requested would only further her condition', so all she is presently given to pass the time is a knitting magazine.

She's met "Dr. Seeu" and his odd behaviour as well, but so far she thinks he's an isolated incident.I admit there is a welcome ( Read more... )

[c.] kengamine nagi, .event, [c.] asakura ryoko, .ic, the doctor is in...sane, [c.] hibari kyouya, [c.] harry mason, this is all dr. sinclair's fault, no longer a monopoly, [c.] alex kralie, .video, [c.] the medicine seller, wtf face in 3...2...1..., [c.] crona & ragnarok

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[fear-allaying video!] 40410 December 4 2010, 20:15:03 UTC
[ Oh, for -- is she trying to doctor people again? ]

Sofia, you don't get to prescribe to the other patients. We've been over this.

[ It's only a mild reprimand. ]


[ video of 8| ] echo_of_utopia December 4 2010, 20:22:48 UTC

...Or in other words: Oh my, it appears my suspicions have been confirmed. ]

...Dr. Kralie, I presume.


[ hey, that's my schtick. 8| ] 40410 December 4 2010, 20:30:25 UTC
That's the one.

[ You even get a faint smile, because hey, recognition of 'doctor' is recognition of 'hospital' and that's a very good sign indeed!

Is it just me or does the boy only seem to smile when he's been lobotomised by the mansion? At least the muscles are still getting some use. ]

So what's wrong with the green pills?


[ out-8|-s you ] echo_of_utopia December 4 2010, 20:45:35 UTC
[ Let's try actually answering that and see what it does. ]

Given the high potential for side effects in addition to the duration of their intended effects I would not necessarily recommend them to patients with an existing condition... let alone those without one.


[ makes a note to make a more 8|-ish icon ] 40410 December 4 2010, 20:54:56 UTC
Yeah, not necessarily. But the other pills didn't work, so we agreed they were worth a shot.

[ Doesn't he make such a wonderfully optimistic doctor? ]

If you don't feel like they're working, come talk to me.


[ BRING IT, BIATCH! 8| 8| 8| ] echo_of_utopia December 4 2010, 21:05:04 UTC
[ She sighs, takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes. ]

I sincerely doubt that.

[ It's muttered more to herself than it is said to his face. If that's their situation for three days, then so be it. It's not his fault and she certainly won't try to attack him for it, yet... the entire situation feels to much like a complete and utter mockery to not be straining at first. ]


[ or an icon of crazygunface, either way ] 40410 December 4 2010, 21:07:44 UTC
Which part?

[ Yeah, the thought wasn't directed at him. But it's pretty much his job to be nosy anyway, so... ]


[ fffffffffyes. ] echo_of_utopia December 4 2010, 21:10:18 UTC
All of it.

[ And then some. ]


[ I'm going to be tempted to pay for extra icons on a rp account, aren't I? oh god. ] 40410 December 4 2010, 21:14:00 UTC
That they're not working? That we should talk...?

[ Dude, help him out here. ]


[ Yeeeeeeeeeeeees~ ] echo_of_utopia December 4 2010, 21:18:50 UTC

[ Hahahano. ]


[ ;____; but my wallet is full of lint and air ] 40410 December 4 2010, 21:29:59 UTC

Would you rather not recover?

[ And is quite blunt. ]


[ You could always sell your organs to Dr. Olivier. ] echo_of_utopia December 4 2010, 21:51:30 UTC
[ Okay, time for short replies is up. The event, as distasteful as she finds it, is not going to go away if she tries to ignore it.

So what now? It should be easy to brush him off. Then again, there's 'read knitting magazine' versus 'see Alex in psychiatristy action'. ]

I apologise. They have been giving me headaches, I suppose that is why I...

[ She trails off. ]

You said we could talk?


[ I tried that. He said why pay for something he can get for free. ] 40410 December 4 2010, 23:11:16 UTC
[ You're frightening the mun. Is she going to have to attempt competence as a shrink? ]

Sure we can. Any time you want.

[ Although he is SUPER BUSY with that mindscrew of a Tim case, he's pretty good at making time for things. You have to be with something as time-consuming as moviemaking. ]


[ *sigh* Good point. ] echo_of_utopia December 5 2010, 00:17:23 UTC
[ You only have to outshrink Lamb. That shouldn't be a problem, right? :D ]

Tomorrow would be good.


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