Oct 29, 2009 16:41
So Step Mom calls.
She bitches about my Dad, tells me that my Brother is continuously going to school unwashed and smelling of cat urine.
Bitches about how she's losing weight and how the Doctor has prescribed her Zantax.
Tells me that the school called CPS on my Dad, and she is worried that my little Brother will be put into state care.
Says that she doesn't know what to do, that Steven -little brother- has said that he wants to stick with Dad til he's thirteen -about six months from now-.
Asks ME what she should do.
So, I tell her " You need to do what you think is right with Steven. He's a teenager, he doesn't know what is best for him, he has a bit of trouble understanding these things because of his condition -aspergers-, and he needs to be monitored closely and sometimes even forced to keep proper hygiene (as he apparently hates brushing his teeth and bathing)".
She whines some more. Says that if Steven moves in with her, that she doesn't know if she can keep interacting with the family ( I'm not sure if she's meaning my grandparents/uncles/aunts/cousins and such, or my sister and I...).
I get off the phone with her.
Two hours later, my Dad calls.
His first question is if I told my Step Mom to come take my Brother from his house and take custody.
I say no, because that is NOT what I told her at all.
More excuses on both of their parts.
Its so immature. They fight like children, and sling mud at eachother. They said that they would stop, because it is so uncomfortable for me to handle... But it hasn't stopped, not in the nearly three years that they've been divorced. DIVORCED.
The two aren't even married or living with each other any more, and all I hear is constant scrutiny.
I'm regretting giving my phone number out to either of them.
What am I supposed to do? I can't take my Brother in, I don't have the space or funds to do so. I don't have the funds to make space or be able to take care of him.
I'm just not going to answer the phone from them for a few days in the least.
Why can't my parents act like parents and not snot nosed children?
Why do they constantly lay the stress at my feet, its not like I don't have enough of it my myself.
I just needed to rant.