No, "The Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati" is in the C’s. "Moth Men"'s over in the M's.

Jan 14, 2010 22:13

Confession: My name is echo and I am an X-Files fan.  I've seen all the episodes (or all of them through season 7, then most, by now, of the last two seasons.  And I've seen both movies, but at home, not in the theater).  I started watching when they first started showing reruns (Lazarus was my first episode :-)) and I got hooked.  It's weird; I feel like I've been exposed to a lot of XF recently, with people talking about how they're just watching it now, and they're at Scully's cancer arc, etc., etc. ... I'm trying to skip the part where that makes me feel old and go straight to the part that it's cool the show can survive like that.

So, anyway, I've been looking forward to this episode ever since I first heard about it.  And Langley (Dean Haglund) is in it!  And, yes, I'm really just full-on embracing my geekiness at this point

And I'm trying another live blog:  Bones 511 The X in the File

location stamp in white block letters, love it
flashlights!  drink!
Mark Snow-like scary music!
unexplained lights moving together!
pan to the sky!!

oh, angela.  oh, wendell.  egyptian storage room?  angela!  the jeffersonian's big, pick someplace else.

i'm loving cam's disapproval.

discussion of life elsewhere!!!  sounds like crap when you say it :-))

oh, creepy lady with shotgun
the sheriff is giving off a very bad blood vibe -- I was drugged!  Ahem.  Sorry.


spooky! drink!  spooky hospital, split up of the team

orange eyes!!!

something . . . is out there.
alien abductions.
alien mythology!

web conferences -- high tech x files.

oh, angela.  you. still. work. together.  oh, wendell, you're so sweet.   this cannot end well.

random people in creepy hallways!!!

"i don't wear a suit all the time"  :-))

She's excited he got there for the "good part" -- an old but still serviceable MRI. Cute.

Booth: "I won't say anything about the scream, you won't say anything about the gun."  
Brennan: "Those terms are satisfactory."
Love it!!!!!

Aw, Brennan in Scully mode.  Yet not wanting to deal with the organs.  "It wasn't even real cream cheese it was light cream cheese.  I do it all for you Mulder!"  Ahem.

Strange things floating in liquid, drink!  Oh, Hodgins.  Hodgins and his conspiracy theories -- and he gets cut off.  Come on, Wendell, give the man his conspiracy theories.  Hodgins should love all this alien stuff.
Oh, Wendell. Oh, Hodgins.  I want to hug Hodgins.  How long is this behavior going to last?

Driving!  Open road!  Lots of XF-like shots and angles.

Eyes of flies! Cockroaches as evolutionary marvel!  Fantastic.  "Plus, they have extra arms.  Hmm..."  hah.

Langley!  With short hair?!
"I want to believe" and that's why they go to Roswell.  :-))

Oh, Brennan.

Ooh - trailer!  That doesn't burst into flames!
Ever-present gloves for collecting evidence.

"Magic.  Mmm, science."

Ooh, creepy video.

Humanoid shapes?
They're both checking their arms :-))

More metaphors!  "Then it would be a duck, not a spaceship. Your point escapes me."  "It's a metaphor"

Oh, no.  They're having the lunch in this episode?  Awkward.  Sweets shows up?  Purposefully?  Oh, no.  So, the only people he doesn't use psych-speak with are, who? Booth? Brennan, to an extent?  And Daisy, I'm really hoping :-))

Aww, more outdoor shots of the CA desert made to look like NM desert.

Hah!  Lights, and caves and wait -- use of kilometers?

Tanker trucks.  LOL.  I'm glad I didn't actually turn this into a drinking game.  So the trucks weren't carrying the alien virus (I think that's what it ended up being) but industrial waste.

Commercial: 24 bores me.  I've never been able to watch an entire episode; I've tried twice.

Oh, Hodgins.  Hugs.  Aaand back to Sweets.

"It's easier to accept loneliness when the person we were once with is also alone."

Do you want Angela back?  He's grieving his loss.  Oh, Hodgins.  Be friends with Sweets!

Looks like they're going to Mexico.

Oh, Hodgins.  He really does enjoy his work.  He got "inspired."  "Boys."   And on a side note, I'm really loving Cam and Hodgins together.

And they're in Ciudad Juarez, but the location stamp is now in the middle of the screen.

Oh, no.  Is Langley the murderer?

The sheriff only interrupts Booth, and not Brennan, b/c he's a gentleman.  Hah. Oh, Langley is the murderer.

And Booth is shooting inanimate objects again.  I'm loving Brennan and Booth's conversations in this episode.  They have such a nice comfort level with each other, which is great since Hodgins/Angela are all angsty now.

Stars!!!!!!  Looking up!!!!!!  Awww!!!!  Seriously, loving the B/B conversations.  And Brennan is making jokes!  And laughing!  Really great.

That was a lot of fun.  I'm a little weirded out that I recognize a lot of allusions (of course, it may be what I want to see, but whatever; I probably missed a lot of allusions.  And I think I missed the shout-out to DB's father in the news clip?  Damn my tiny screen!)

RE Promo for next week:

not really looking forward to it.  Why did they pick JFK?  Why couldn't they pick, I don't know, Garfield.  It wasn't a crazed job-seeker, something like that. Or McKinley--why did it seem like he was getting better.  Or just go with Lincoln.  Let's go for the obscure conspiracy theories instead.

I'm grumpy about this -- maybe, after everything with Sen. Ted Kennedy and the whole last season of Mad Men, I just find it sad.  Sad, and frustrating that the papers of the Warren Commission won't be released for, what? 100 years? 

etc., tv - xf, liveblogging tv, tv - bones, tv - mad men

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