frustration seething

Sep 27, 2007 13:01

2 hours on the phone with IT...and I *still* can't change my fracking password, which, in the time I've been on the phone trying to change it has now officially expired.

I finally hit a dead end when they had me on a webpage to create a name and password in an account that would allow me to create the id# that I would need to get some name and password that would allow me to log on to the appropriate website to change my password. Well, I had to enter a birthdate that wasn't mine (01/01/1900) and then enter an ID number that I don't know (because I've never needed it) into the box that asks for my social. When I got transferred to the help line for that ID number, they couldn't give it to me because they couldn't verify who I am...because they're at the UW and don't have my social or birthdate in their system.

::SOB:: ::fights urge to attack computer with crow bar::

Please note that I've changed it three times before without any major issue. The only reason I had to deal with IT was that the link to the webpage wasn't working because our firewall won't let us open up that page.
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