Aug 30, 2005 17:34
hey journal, guess what?
im a senior.
never thought this day would come,...
i had a really good summer, and still have like a week left, so im gonan soak up every single awesome summer moment until september 6th.
ps im inlove, lets celebrate!
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i've been thinking a lot lately about everything.
i've come down to some conclusion, and i ask you to hear me out.
have i treated you fair? no. when you called me, you were right. i should shut up about you. i should have kept my mouth shut from the time that you and justin broke up because that was my last anger about you. you were right and i was wrong, and i am sorry for everything that extended beyond that phone call.
i am sorry for in short, lying to your face those weeks in which i was nice to you. i will admit, some of it was true. i did enjoy your company a few times. most of it was fake. i did it for justins sake. it hurt him for me to hate you tha much. hes my friend. i wanted to do what i could.
one thing which will never be okay is the fact that you lied to me and have never been able to see it. or maybe you have and i just don't know. but you lied to me. it hurt. it really did. and i watched you hurt derrick, grantd... is IS kinda crazy.... Justin's been my friend since sophomore year and i didn't want to see him hurt again. i saw him hurt with kristi and i begged for it never to happen again to someone so nice....
Katie Mulligan had every right to tell you what she did. i just wish she told you about how i tuck up for you when i knew justin had yelled at you. and how if that was true, i never would have taken him back either. i wish she told you that. i wish she told you in the words which i put it to her so delicately that i'm not here to turn peple against you.
people ask me why you bother me so much. i tell them what i told you.
i didn a lot of shit that i shouldnt have done. i never should have reacted the way in which i did. but i thought that you would always be honest with me when we were friends. i prayed you'd never hurt justin. my life isn't a piece of cake either- no high school student's life is.
so yes. this letter is one big apology.
i just want to be done. for good.
i'm sorry.
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