Jan 02, 2005 13:42
Happy New Year to everyone..hope you all had fun. I went to the Avalon with Chris,Monica,Christopher,Danny, Cheese, AnnaMarie, Tracy, AnnaMarie's Uncle that I dont remember his name, Ricardo,...um I think that's it..it was fun..and most everyone I went with doesnt remember midnight. I remember of course cuz I was driver. but an appropriate level of midnight madness took place. I called Robert who was in SF to wish him and his girlfriend a happy new one, he sounded pleasantly drunk..then Dustin called me and my heart did that **flutter flutter** he left me a message and of course I had to call him back. I think I will always be in lust with that boy.. wished him a happy new year and then I swooned when he called me "love" ...I need to grow some balls people..that's for sure..
About 2am I gathered up my friends, with the help of Monica into the car. No after party for us because AnnaMarie said "take the boys home their getting too crazy" heheh see Christopher and Danny thought it was great fun to wrestle in the rain in front of the club.. so I tried getting everyone to go to Denny's but the wait was toooo long and my friends were being drunken crazy and so back into the car and to Jack n the Crack we went. Ate at Christina's..took Danny home. dropped off Chris and Christopher at her grandma's and then took Monica home..when I finally got home it was about 4am. I was too awake to sleep so I read and finally fell asleep about 5am. all in all it was fun times...and Christina I'm sorry I wouldnt suck your injured toe! heheheheh
Yesterday went to see CLOSER with Danny, Cheese, Chris and Christopher. it sucked..I mean...the only reason to see this movie is to watch Jude Law and Clive Owen for two hours...if anyone understood the point to this movie please let me know.. went and played Mario Party6 with Chris and Christopher and then came home and played Buffy. now its raining and I'm doing laundry...fun fun.