Jul 05, 2005 22:06
So I haven't updated this is a while because I really just haven't had the time. I've been working way too much lately. Last week, I worked 67 hours and this week and next week are pretty much the same. I barely even got Sunday off to go to Weymouth, and I don't think I got Saturday off to go to Medford. Who knows, hopefully after the next two weeks I'll start getting less hours again. It's mostly just Stop & Shop that is pissing me off. Town & Country is fine. And they pay me over a dollar more an hour. Yeah so anyway, when I'm not working and sleeping I try to find some shit to do. Last thursday, I met this girl Michelle from Agawam. I guess she's alright. Haha... We went to EB's, which was good, and then I went to the middle school to play wiffle ball with Lome and Kev. It was funny because a little while after we got there some teenagers almost started fighting. It was kinda funny... Hmmm... After work on Friday night I hung out with my brother, Ann, and the Buynicki's for a little. Umm... After work on Sunday, I went to Michelle's friend's house and then went to the Westfield fireworks with them. It was a pretty good time. We went back to her friend's house after that. Yesterday, I worked for 9 hours and then went to Sy's and drank there for a little while. Then we went to watch the Springfield fireworks on the rotary and then drank at Vet's. Today I worked and then hung out with Lomma for a little. Came home and slept, showered, and then went to Taco Bell with my brother. Now I'm just watching the Sox... There was a chance I was gonna hang out with Michelle tonight but I don't think it's gonna happen. I have to work at 7 AM anyway. Who knows, maybe tomorrow... Sheez...