Jul 30, 2005 16:51
Okay, everone can stop worrying for me now...LOL I found my dog. come to find out she had snuck into my aunt's garage that lives 2 houses down from Ronnie and was stuck in there ALL DAY LONG. Needless to say, she made quite the mess that had to be cleaned up - my aunt is lik 80 something years old. When she heard noises in the garage she about croaked... LOL she's fine though.
Well, Austin had his last teeball game on Thursday nite he was kinda bummed, so I let him and his friend play in the water park type thing that they have by the ball diamonds there - they had a good time.
Have to work this weekend - have a softball game tomorrow again (if I get LA'd). Other than that same old same old.
Ronnie found out that he's gonna be working 7-7, seven days a week - kinda sucks cuz i'll hardly see him, but will keep him outta trouble :)
Anyways, gotta run- love you all!!!!!!!!!!