Yeah dear friendsa i had play yesterday till 2:30 AM....
i never wanted to finish the last Dungeon of G2 too yesterday but well
now let's see what happend
Let's visit Price one more time!
Yeah i never was in 3 minutes from Bangor in emain Macha! XDDD
Let's go and kick someones Ass!
Muahahahhaa i haven't any respect! XDD
Let's go Maids clean the floor behind me! XD
Yo Esras! are you ready to get a kick???
What a liar! she tell me that she digging up dirty rumors about me
Yeah of course... i know that Lebbaeus can't hold it and talk to everyone where and how we doing it o.O
Buit well the whole erinn know that she seems to be the only one who think she's the first who find out... poor unfortunate soul
Yeah... i know what you all think but NO Redire isn't fighting against ME XDDD
Hey Redire! Wrong direction! To the devil goes there!
He pointed at his sister and then he ran away *sing*
Now.. Final Dungeon... let's kick Esras Ass that she can't sit for 3 weeks!
There she is that freak! Wll.. i will kick you ass like the Patriarch but this time i kill you
She have eat him... she was boring
and i think he wasn't very delicious
Oh my Gosh...
I have to fight this guy??!!
He kill me liek a fly... xox
Yeah dear i will neevr leave you...
Redire... when you came few years ago i woudl realy don't leave your side... but now... xD
Let's wait he kill Redire.... well...
I think they will start soon a tea party... >>
Redire have a broken leg... i swear i will not carry him o.O
She feels soooo strong.... hell she can't move in that dress ! >>
Oh my I'm soooo strong O____O hey.. are these shoes from Addidas?
Yay!! Watch me!!!
I'm so damn shiny!!! What the??!! I have a Exsphere on my chest??!! YAY Paladin WIN XD
But well i let my pets fight... let's look at the Golem.. thanks god is that a MMORPG and not logical...
Yeah i killed your slave o-o She is not amused muahahaha
oh... that's may not good... Rian was the Golem..?
Oh noe.... Ruairi is here....
and of course i am the black sheep....
He will never forget me... well... in another sutiation i would be glad about a sentence like that...
oh no... Metal Skeleton i hate this guys... but well let's Kick Esras Ass!
....... Esras Spawn lag!! Let's wait 15 Minutes for the Not moving Esras... : D
and yeah... she haven't move the whole fight... ok at the end before she died she had hurt me a little.. but ehr skeleton seems to get to the Mad hatter Tea Party
now ... what should i say..? I'm the greatest Hero ever!
!!! It's Morrighan... what a suprise :D
Yeah beware of the dark knight i know... at satirday i go to become one no Fear Morri-chan :D
Craig.. PUNCH!!!
He's waiting in the Shadows for his time... XDD
Great... much new skills to train... well let's go to finish G9 Chapter1! Before Chapter 2 comes xDDD