Been trying to update my journal on my fangirling weekend since 3 days ago but LJ failed me T_T It won't upload my pics huhu..After spending so much time editing n enhancing the piccies ...then i gave up already (-_-!!! Hukhuk..
Change of topic, snatch this from Jadeycute..Hope there are people who care to answer..it makes me happy to read
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#2 = Birthday: 11/ 10/ 88
#3 = Where do you live: N9. now at UKM KL
#4 = What are you studying/What are you working as: STUDY AUDIOLOGY
#5 = What makes you happy: ???for now, an ACCOMPLISHED ASSIGNMENT
#6 = What are you listening to now/have listened to last: your seed HSJ
#7 = What is particularly good/bad about my LJ: don't know how to say, but its good
#8 = An interesting fact about you: you are my senpai (in fangurling stuff)
#9 = Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: yup
#10 = Favorite place to be: PD
#11 = Favorite lyric: your seed
#12 = Best time of the year: 1988 (i was born!!)
#13 = Weirdest food you like: fresh carrot
#1 = A film:koizora
#2 = A book:no book to recommend because i only read my big, thick clinical books
#3 = A song: himawari~yamapi
#4 = A band: news and HSJ
#1 = Favorite Fandom: JE
#2 = OTP/OT3: hmmm...
#1 = One thing you like about me: again, because you are my senpai
#2 = Two things you like about yourself: hmm, two things??? to much..my name..umi and asura
#3 = Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you? (if you haven't yet)
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