re: scott peterson case

Dec 13, 2004 16:00

people are really fucking terrible.

i cannot BELIEVE people can be so awful as to boo his parents as they leave the courthouse. they didn't do anything, assholes. and i can't believe people are cheering over the idea of death by legal injection. oooh! yay! this will fix the eeeevils! we will just kill all the bad people and our country will be happy yay!!!

i don't know anything about this case at all. but god, it must be pretty difficult to be so completely sure that someone is guilty. because, hey jury, hey judge, his life is on your hands. i hope you feel good about it. what sucks is that people who are anti-death penalty do not get on juries. yeah, it would kind of suck for people with different viewpoints to have to try to make a decision together.

i don't care if he did it or not. learn to be civilised, people. booing his parents. assholes.
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