(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 18:00

I made it up to Washington DC late last night. As usual, we're staying with my aunt Hien, who was a very large house in Bethesda. They're pretty well off (she does real estate nonsense) but it doesn't really show aside from the vastness of the house, which has four and a half-ish floors if you count the basement, the office and bathroom and entrance a few steps up from that, and the weird alcove attached to the turn of the staircase between the main and top floor which contains only a dusty telescope (maybe I'll play with that tonight, weather permitting) and an itchy couch with a large stuffed toy bear (also itchy).

The guest bathroom has the same shampoo it did when I was here the christmas before last (which smells of lavender = amy). That's acceptable I guess, since they've got three guest bathroom and it'd be a lot of work to replace the shampoo seasonally. The kitchen has a lot of sketchy, unidentifiable things sitting around. The pantry has a tub of peppermint yorks and a 48 pack box of fruit bars (mixed flavors). I found crackers last night, and goat cheese in the fridge. This is about the most sane healthy meal I'll be able to cook up around here. The freezer is stocked entirely with unidentifiable freezer burned things, red baron frozen pizzas, and a half dozen containers of Hagen Diaz's "Rum Raisin" ice cream. This is it. On the bright side, there's a box of Starbucks premixed coffee mocha milk because you're too lazy drinks in a kitchen closet (I try and overlook the oddity of a kitchen closet).

My aunt is pretty influential in the Vietnamese community up here, and she lobbies congress about Vietnam related issues. I assume it was these connections that brought onto a corner table in her living room a glorious seven pound solid glass cigar ashtray (small ash-tire is more accurate) emblazoned with a frosted logo of the United States Senate, which somehow slipped into my luggage a few trips back and now holds my loose change, guitar picks, and watch and wallet when I sleep. It yearns to receive carbonized Havana cigars, an urge largely unsatisfied (My aunt doesn't smoke and the few times it's been used in its intended sense, it has received only cloves). Someday soon I hope I can find it a proper home at a classy college poker game or back room dealings.

I'm going to catch dinner right now since it's one of the few opportunities I'll have up here to know exactly what it is I'm eating. more later.
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