Apr 14, 2013 22:33
Gotta love when the one friend you hang out with keeps blowing you off. This is the...mmm...third..fourth...time? Not sure at this point. We've been having issues getting together because we work the exact same shift and have the exact same position. Makes it nearly impossible to take time off together. The last couple trips have been postponed due to lack of money. But, there's been like three that were just because she was sleeping or sick or whatever. This time we really were going to just hang out at my house and watch a couple movies. And she lives right across the street. Grr.
I'm not really extremely upset or anything. I'm okay with having my days off to myself, it's just a little irritating. And work sucks, so I'm getting down again. I go through these up and down phases and I know I'll come out of it. It just sucks right now.