Title: Rogue Angel: Tribal Ways
Author: Alex Archer
Pages: 314
Summary: (From back of book)
A frigid spring morning at a Native American archaeological dig erupts into sudden and brutal violence, leaving five people dead and one man gravely wounded. And in a hospital, with archaeologist Annja Creed at his side, the last survivor utters his final words to name his killer - a skinwalker.
The skinwalker is feared among the Navajo and Apache. It is witchcraft of a most terrible nature that allows a man to take the shape of a wolf - and kill. But as Annja delves into the mystery of the skinwalker, she finds herself pulled into a underworld of violence and vicious radicals, threaded with legend...and sociopathic intent.
In this world, Annja is unwelcome. And in this world, she could be the creatures next victim...