(no subject)

Jul 02, 2008 19:32

Hey there! I just wanted to let everyone know I got here safe and sound, including my luggage. I´m writing this on my new ipod, sitting in the plaza in front of the catedral segoviano, which makes me feel like I´m living in some bizarre future world. My host family and roommate seem very friendly, and I haven´t had any problems with the whole ¨no-meat¨ thing so far. Apparently my senora´s son-in-law is vegetarian too, so she´s at least acquainted with it. The town is beautiful - it´s cloudy and cool today, but they said it´s supposed to get hot next week, unfortunately. On Saturday we´re going to Madrid, and it looks like pretty much everyone is going to stay overnight and look around more on Sunday. I´ll probably crash at a hostel or something. I guess that´s pretty much all, gonna go do some sightseeing now!
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