Jan 18, 2008 17:02

'Sup, chickens? Yes, I have decided that it is time for my biannual entry! Now your pathetic little lives may be filled with a tiny spark of light, because you can know that which is occuring in my awesome, fast-paced, exciting life.
Yeah, despite all my pompous talk there's really not much going on right now. This semester I'm taking just four classes: Intro to Drawing, Into to 3D Design, Reading Hispanic Texts, and Foundations of Latin American Culture. I was going to take Knife-Fighting 203, but it was already full. LA Cultures is light and easy - the teacher basically just turns on spicy latino music and dances instead of teaching us anything, and I'm down with that. Texts has more work to it, but the professor's nice and gives us a lot of slack, so whatever. I can understand them both pretty well, too. That's always nice.
Drawing is savory like mashed potatoes with garlic, I'm having a lot of fun with it. I was really worried I'd be a lot crappier than everyone else because I'm a talentless hack, but I'm actually managing to hold my own. 3D is another story - I've never done anything that wasn't flat, and I honestly have never had any interest. The teacher is a dour little bitch who's had us making BIRD NESTS out of construction paper for TWO WEEKS now, and it sounds like she's not going to be mixing it up any time soon. We all hate her with a fiery passion, and we would have all dropped it already except it's required. Goddamn.
Speaking of swear words, I met my soulmate! He 1) is incredibly attractive, 2) is a huge geek just like me, 3) is nice, 4) is funny, 5) is drug-free, 6) likes dudes and 7) for some reason chooses to spend time with me. Of course, he's taken. The guy he's been dating for a year and a half is 1) more attractive than me, 2) more literate than me, 3) nicer than me, 4) funnier than me, 5) you get the picture. God pulls this shit on me just to watch the faces I make.
I have also decided to get "on board" with the latest fad of 2003: those Johari and Nohari things! Remember those things? They're okay.



So, you should check that shit out.
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