Tales From College

Apr 25, 2006 09:52

So, yesterday something terrible happened. I asked my Human Geography professor if I could give my presentation early, as I had completed it a full three weeks previously. Of course, as I sat there in front of the entire class on her computer trying to find it on my thumbdrive a terrible realization came to me: it wasn't there. It was gone.
It's all gone.
So now I have the choice of either throwing something worthless together at the last minute and presenting it tomorrow, or taking a 0 straight to the chin. This was the one class I didn't have to worry about, you know? I was getting straight-As on all my assignments, it was a fucking cake class. And it was such a good presentation too! I was proud of the work I'd done, for once, and proud of my ability to get it done so early and *not* at the last minute like usual.
After I learned of this nightmare I collapsed on my bed in a twitching heap. I seriously think at that point my brain shouted to my subconscious: "Hey, he just got fisted again! Try to make him feel better!" I had the nicest dream I've ever had ... I was sitting in a parking lot at the top of the world, looking at the sky. A happy, droopy hound dog lolled up to me and I patted him on the head while eating a box of cupcakes.
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