Nov 09, 2004 22:09
In retrospect, I've been a horribly negative phin lately -(_)- I hate being so negative, but lately, it's seemed like everything's been out to get me. Realized it when I was giving some advice to an overly negative acquantance on Final Fantasy XI today -- he was moping because he couldn't get a girlfriend, but all he was doing was going on about how much his life sucked and how nobody gave two rats asses about him.
I looked at myself after I talked to him and realized that I've been kinda doing the same thing lately. >(_)< I mean, I realize I'm anxious to get the hell out of here. I know I'm sick of the cost of living in CA, I'm tired of lacking some of the things I need most -- and most of all, I'm sick and tired of the corporate machine that's taken over the Aquarium's gift and bookstores now that we've become a For-Profit entity. ;(_); But that's a different matter. What's at stake here is me. Myself.
Sure, there have been setbacks in the plans. Unforseen difficulties on my future roommates' end, financial issues there, trouble with people being asshats and backing out of things after they've committed to them, that sort of thing. Sure, there have been setbacks on my end issues here, having to repay debts back in full, unexpectedly, when I'd been thinking I'd be able to pay them back over time. The rent for the month proved to be a moot issue, as we're nearing the halfway point through November, and well, I'm still here. And it looks like I'm going to be here at least shortly into December, at least one week past when I'd hoped to be out (again), but this is luck, and this is fate; whatever you want to call it all, really.
The point of the matter is, while things may suck, they're not all bad. Sure, I'm lacking the base affections and whatnot that keep me on top of the world, so to speak, but things haven't degraded to where they were in Ohio yet, either. I'm just going to have to exercise some of my phin-ly skills and break out with the depression busters. Big smiles and all. ^(_)^ Because if this is a war, like bloody hell I'm giving up now. I'll just keep smiling, no matter what the world throws at me. That's what I've always said, and lately, I've done a horrible job of sticking to it. So all of you who I have or will at some point count as friends, I'm counting on your support. I'll make it through, so long as you all believe in me. (Wow, feels like a cheesy anime line, doesn't it? Or better yet, a rip from Wild ARMs 2nd Ignition? ^(_)~ Well, whatever).
So thanks for everything, and I'll keep smiling, for all of you who count on me, too. ^(_)^