remember my utter-fangirling at
the announcement of L&O: UK? and as usual, my not having time to do more than check out the first 5 minutes if the first episode the night it aired, just to make sure a) that the "doink doink!" was still there and b) that Bamberliscious was going to live up to potential.
yeah, that 7 weeks ago. i finally gave up and popped the series on my iPod, figuring it was good work-time listening. i do much better with a british or scottish accent in my ear, go figure.
oh, but they failed to mention that this show has my ultimate voice-weakness, Bill Paterson. ::swoons:: no, i don't understand it either, but i would happily listen to the man read the tax code and still stare in rapt attention. actually, that's a thought. i wonder if we can hire him to read revenue procedures i need to research....
but yeah. living up to hopes and expectations. with much witty and quotable dialog.
::cough:: 3 1/2 episodes in and i'm trolling for fan-fic.
wait, omg, icons! i need icons!