why i continue to call this ancient old man a foster kitty, i don't know, except it is some form of denial. i'm sure someone will want to adopt a cat of indeterminable yet clearly old age. really. he doesn't belong to me.
though i will confess that if i am to be stuck with a fifth (omg) cat, he is a gem. he is completely unflappable, gets along with all the other cats, and is a big sweetie. i've taken to calling him the zen-master.
but ignoring the unmade bed please (snap those photos while you can) you can see Rory fits right in. he is mr. mellow in the foreground, not understanding all the fuss over him. never mind he was at death's door when he showed up and how he managed to survive as long as he did is a miracle. there is still weight to be put on, but he has made a vast improvement.
and clearly you can see from his younger and far more camera-conscious buddy in the background, he and Hamish are clearly from the same stock. hmm, two nearly identical cats dumped naked and starving outside my door, but years apart. go figure.
a very merry to those celebrating. i'm having my own quiet celebration tonight, called no work and doing whatever i want. tomorrow, down to the parents for some movies, and chinese buffet. mmmm!