Food rant

Dec 03, 2015 14:48

I have been unable to function for the last week. I eventually figured out that it was because we bought a new brand of eggs. The chickens who laid those eggs must have been fed truly stupendous amounts of penicillin-based antibiotics, because enough of it wound up in the eggs to make me very unwell after a couple of days of eating eggs for breakfast. Sadly, it took me several more days to figure out the culprit and now it's taking time for the crap to work its way out of my system. But I'm back at work at least, although I feel like I'm maybe 50% of normal, three days after I stopped eating the offending eggs.

I really, really hate living in a country whose food supply is so riddled with hidden traps. I really wish we had some real oversight to keep our food safe. I really wish there was some accountability in the system.

So this has been a wakeup call to me that I've gotten lax about what I eat and I really need to do a better job of avoiding any animal products that I'm not sure are safe.
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